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姓   名   Ivan V. Ivanov 性  别   男  
院  系   红足一1世77814 职  称   讲师
办公电话    研究方向 Western Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy 
电子邮件 iivanov@warwickgrad.net   





Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, History of Modern Philosophy, Philosophy of Cognitive Science


PhD, Warwick University (UK)

MA, Northwestern University (USA)


2023-Present: Capital Normal University

2021-2023: Sun Yat-sen University

2017-2020: Shandong University

2020: University of Sussex



(2023). “The Integration Problem for Naïve Realism.” Metaphilosophy.

https://doi.org /10.1111/meta.12657

(2022a). “Bad to the Bone: Essentially Bad Perceptual Experiences.” Inquiry.

https://doi.org /10.1080/0020174X.2022.2028672. <Cited in Allen 2019, Moran 2022, Niikawa 2023>

(2021a). “Sensing Mind-independence.” Synthese 199(5-6): 14931–14949. <Cited in Laasik 2023>

(2021b). “Properties in Sight and in Thought.” Synthese 198(8): 7049-7071. <Cited in Millar 2021, 2022, Quilty-Dunn & Green 2021>

(2017). “Property-awareness and Representation.” Topoi 36(2):331-342. <Cited in Giananti 2020a, Giananti 2020b, Kalpokas 2021, Locatelli et al. 2017, Millar 2021, Gu 2022, Wilson 2022>

(2011). “Pains and Sounds.” Journal of Consciousness Studies 18(9-10):143-163. <Cited in Casser 2021, Schellenberg 2014, 2018, Skalko & Cherry 2016>


2021-2023 Co-organizer (w. Kristjan Laassik (Zhejiang)), Perceptual Experience Beyond the Mainstream.

2019-22 Co-organizer (w D. Alford-Duguid (Oxford) & R. Locatelli (Tubingen)), Perceiving Properties in a World of Objects.

2019-20 Co-organizer (w Su Chinghui (Shandong) & Liang Fei (Shandong)), The Structure and Nature of Thought and Reasoning.


100 Talent Scholar Research Grant, Sun Yat-sen University

(w Kristjan Laassik) Humanities and Social Science Project Grant, China Ministry of Education—for Perceptual Experience Beyond the Mainstream

(w D. Alford-Duguid & R. Locatelli) John Fell Grant, Oxford University—for Perceiving Properties in a World of Objects

(w Su Chunghui & Liang Fei) International Project Grant, Shandong University—for The Structure and Nature of Thought and Reasoning

Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship—offer